Comedy Writers Exhausted Trying to Keep Up With Trump
With the endless amount of nonsensical things that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth, satirical comedy writers are beginning to suffer from exhaustion.
Batman Contracts the Covid-19 Coronavirus
In a shocking announcement, a publicist representing beloved superhero Batman seems to have contracted the Covid-19 coronavirus.
7 Signs Your Dog is Depressed
Is your dog depressed? Your beloved pooch may be suffering in silence. See if your dog may be experiencing symptoms of depression.
Man Admits “I Smear Poop in My Beard on Purpose”
FDA Set to Ban Stem Cell Vaping
Amid growing health and safety concerns for the public, the United States’ Food and Drug Administration has announced plans to ban the recent practice of stem cell vaping.
Vegan Begins Eating Rocks After Discovering Plants Have Souls
DJ Flume – “I Have Pink Eye”
Australian DJ and record producer Harley Edward Streten, known professionally as Flume, announced late Wednesday evening that he has contracted a severe case of pink eye.
“Playa Lung” Class Action Lawsuit Filed After Annual Burning Man Festival Comes to a Close
Early Tuesday morning, a local Reno-based law firm filed a class-action lawsuit against The Burning Man Project; the non-profit organization that produces the annual Burning Man festival.
First Infant Hair Transplant Procedure Successfully Performed
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After decades of oppression “Wasp Pride” Movement Gains Momentum
Mitch McConnell’s Face Collapses in on Itself
Federal Highway Administration To Sell Interstate Naming Rights
With growing deficits and spending cuts forecast, the FHA announced it will begin selling naming rights to all federal interstate highways.
Government Subsidized “Karen” program Offers Free Name Changes to Avoid Public Distain
National Apple Lobby Releases Ad Campaign Aimed at Distancing Fruit’s Comparison to Police
Washington Redskins Change Name to Washington Foreskins
In an effort to assuage people offended by the term Redskins, the NFL team in Washington made a decision to change their name to the Foreskins.
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