As many know, Donald Trump demanded his signature be placed on all stimulus checks being mailed out to the public. Naturally, this delayed the printing and disbursement of the desperately-needed funds. However, after the first wave of stimulus checks was mailed out, a Trump staffer discovered he had misspelled his own name on the checks.

After discovering he had written Donlad J. Trump on the checks by mistake, the President demanded they be returned at once. Additionally, Trump ordered all other stimulus checks in print be scheduled for destruction. “Someone from CNN forged my name on the stimulus checks,” Trump said in a press briefing. “Beleive me, nobody knows more about forging signatures that Trump.”

Donlad J Trump stimulus checks
“Donlad Trump” signature

Practice Makes Perfect

Originally, The Treasury said the checks were expected to be in the mail early this week, ahead of initial estimates. However, with the president’s order to recall all stimulus checks in print, this could lengthen the process. “The addition of the president’s new signature will definitely delay the payments,” said an IRS representative. “Being that we can only send 5 million paper checks each week, the reissue could take months to rectify.”

Erin Hatch, a spokeswoman for the House Ways and Means Committee, said that lawmakers were not made aware of the plan to destroy the current run of stimulus checks. As expected, she strongly disapproved of the order. “The committee was not consulted about this,” she said. “We do not want the checks to be delayed for a second time to fix the signature.”

Donald Trump pissed off about stimulus checks

Additionally, Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon criticized Trump’s move to include the corrected signature on the relief money. “Donald Trump is further delaying cash payments to millions of Americans. They’re struggling to pay rent and put food on the table. He’s simply doing this to feed his ego,” Mr. Wyden said. “Only this president would try to make an economic catastrophe all about him.”

When asked about his decision to reissue the stimulus checks, Mr. Trump stated that he stood by his decision. “This is my initiative and I think the American people stand behind me. And believe me, we’ll get to the bottom of this tragedy, said Trump. “In the meantime, let them eat cake.”