On Thursday morning, Spic and Span cleaning products announced they will change their name and logo, acknowledging the brand’s origins rooted in racial hatred of Latino peoples. This announcement comes days after similar responses from Aunt Jemima’s and Uncle Ben’s food products. In this time of social unrest, they too have changed their tune on racial stereotyping.
Proctor and Gamble, the parent company of Spic and Span, announced that the 87-year-old cleaning brand has removed the image of “Senior Sleepy” from all future packaging. Furthermore, all products depicting the old packaging have been put on mandatory expedited recall.

The Snowflakes are Pissed
After the announcements, angry racists took to Facebook and Twitter to express their feelings. “Those damn liberals are just trying to take away our history,” said Gary White. “I grew up with Senior Sleepy and damn it to hell if them Mexicans are going to change that!”
Conservatives preceded to flood the internet with slogans like “Spic Lives Matter” and produced long-winded diatribes about Senior Sleepy’s real-life inspiration Juan Gonzales, who had his turnip farm stolen by white settlers during the Mexican-American War. Meanwhile, no mention was made of the thousands of Latino immigrants currently sitting in cages on the U.S. border.
Civic Responsibility
“As a global brand, we know we have a responsibility to take a stand against racial bias and injustices,” said a PR rep from the company. “We recognize Spic and Span’s origins are based on a hurtful racial slur. Additionally, we recognize that now is the right time to reevaluate our past and future. We must evolve the Spic and Span brand, including its visual brand identity, which we will do.”
Their representative claims they are working on name changes for Spic and Span at this moment. According to the company, potential choices include Brazillian BAM!, Mexican Scrubbing Juice, and Donkey Punch. They hope to roll out all-new packaging by the end of the year.
I like the name Spic and Span, even if it is rather an oxymoron, since very few of my latino brothers and sisters believe in cleanliness.
Juan Gonzalez, you’re an idiot. That is all, carry on.