Disgruntled Lesbians & Genderqueer Activists Burn Dave Chappelle at the Stake
On Monday evening, a coven of disgruntled lesbians and genderqueer activists kidnapped Dave Chappelle from his home and burned the helpless comic at the stake.
FOX Announces New Show “Pedophile Island” to Begin Filming at Jeffrey Epstein’s Property
Early this morning, the Fox Network announced they would begin filming their hot new reality show Pedophile Island next Saturday.
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After decades of oppression “Wasp Pride” Movement Gains Momentum
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Federal Highway Administration To Sell Interstate Naming Rights
With growing deficits and spending cuts forecast, the FHA announced it will begin selling naming rights to all federal interstate highways.
Government Subsidized “Karen” program Offers Free Name Changes to Avoid Public Distain
National Apple Lobby Releases Ad Campaign Aimed at Distancing Fruit’s Comparison to Police
Washington Redskins Change Name to Washington Foreskins
In an effort to assuage people offended by the term Redskins, the NFL team in Washington made a decision to change their name to the Foreskins.
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