Got a burning question you simply must have answered? Looking for terrible advice from someone with no business answering your query? You’ve come to the right place!

Fill out the form below if you’de like Emily to answer your question. You can also visit our Facebook Group to ask Emily any direct questions and she’ll post the answer here.

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Ask Emily – “Crazy for You… Or Not”

“Sheltering in place has made me question a lot about my long-term relationship. Am I satisfied? Is it worth the hassle? Am I crazy?”

Ask Emily – “Some Serious Soul Mate Struggles”

“Should I invest my time into a person that doesn’t meet my soul mate criteria or should I not. Should I see if that person may meet me half way?”

Ask Emily – “Reinvent Yourself with New Hobbies”

“Have you experienced any revelations yourself during this social isolation period? How can I best explore what motivates me outside of work and find new hobbies?”

Ask Emily – “Dressed for Success”

“If I am bathed, in sweats, and put on a sports bra, does this constitute being dressed for the day?”

Ask Emily – “Lonely Loner Living Alone”

“Do you think it is healthy to talk to yourself if you live alone?”