
Dear Emily,

Staying indoors with my two hyper kids during this coronavirus pandemic is driving me to my wit’s end. How can I help myself help them so none of us end up dead from the virus, or boredom, or killing each other?

Mom on the Verge


Dear Mom,

I completely understand. My two kids (aka my dogs) need constant attention. Feeding, watering, playing, walking… you name it. Personally, I find that the more frequently we go on walks, the less attention they need at home.

So I recommend grabbing a couple of kid harnesses. Hook those kids on up and get outside for a walk. In fact, take them outside for a walk every day. No, twice a day! Wear those kids out!

And with the leashes, they can only go so far or get so close to other people. After all, a “SAFETY FIRST” approach is your best bet in these crazy times! Utilizing the leashes, you won’t have to worry about them contracting or spreading the virus. As for your potential issues with familicide, try Scrabble!

Best of luck,

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